
The 7 New Rules of Enterprise Architecture

Discover all the latest insights inside the updated edition.

the 7 new rules of enterprise architecture

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Why are up to 76% of organizations either starting, restarting, or renewing their Enterprise Architecture efforts?

Broadly speaking, initiatives that aren't well-understood aren't well-supported: "For too long, Enterprise Architecture (EA) has existed as a black box, a mystery to the rest of the organization."

  • 7 new rules of enterprise architecture introduction
  • a list of the 7 new rules of enterprise architecture

However, a growing number of organizations are learning how to clarify the value of New Enterprise Architecture.

"With the right technology and culture, EA has the potential to become a driver of business change."

To help your business meet the challenges of the future, Enterprise Architecture will need to undergo 7 fundamental changes:

the 7 new rules of enterprise architecture graphic

1. Enterprise Architecture for the Enterprise, Not Just the Architects

There's no great 'secret' to selling business leaders on the value of new Enterprise Architecture. Simply demonstrate how the increased amount of higher-quality data helps stakeholders make better informed decisions.

As you plan your future Enterprise Architecture policy and capabilities, consider this factor:
What are the questions my stakeholders are struggling to answer?

rule 1 enterprise architecture for the enterprise not just the architects

2. Start With Real Business Problems

Unfortunately, many traditional EA efforts have resulted in widespread perceptions that the practice was too bureaucratic, technical, and a barrier to achieving business results. Your Enterprise Architecture policy will only succeed if they help address hard business challenges.

As you focus your Enterprise Architecture development efforts, answer this question:
How can we frame the Enterprise Architecture value in terms of business performance measures?

rule 2 start with real business problems

3. Build Decisions on Data, Not Opinion

If your Enterprise Architecture still relies on traditional, complex tools that only a few can interpret, then your efforts will have little material impact on the organization. Begin by shoring up the accuracy of your data, then prioritize which metrics are most important, and help stakeholders better understand it through data visualizations.

To move forward, address this question:
Does our existing Enterprise Architecture policy and toolset offer live API and integrations, or do we need to consider a more capable alternative?

rule 3 build decisions on data not opinion

4. Governance Is Good, Collaboration Is Better

Moving towards open data encourages greater collaboration and alignment between stakeholders. It also helps reduce the need for resource-draining retrospective governance.

To move forward, consider addressing this key question:
What level of engagement do we require from stakeholders to achieve the Enterprise Architecture strategic goals?

rule 4 governance is good collaboration is better

5. Turn Data Into Insight Into Action

Data is good. Insights are better. But action is best. Building strategy-focused metrics on top of Enterprise Architecture data allows you (and your stakeholders) to make sense of disparate information. This generally leads to smarter business decisions.

To move forward, address this question:
Can we create a digital twin of our organization using current tools, or do we need to consider our options?

rule 5 turn data into insight into action

6. Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Architecture

Artificial intelligence (AI) will improve how EAs work and create business outcomes, allowing for new approaches that previously haven't been possible. When AI is used to automate repetitive tasks and processes, it frees up time for Enterprise Architects to focus on higher-value activities.

Consider this important question:
How can AI automate repetitive tasks to allow focus on strategic design work?

rule 6 artificial intelligence in enterprise architecture

7. Embed EA Into Your Execution Process

Always-on EA is a process engine for driving outcomes. When EA is embedded into execution, organizations can easily detect when change happen and trigger necessary information to others who may by involved in a particular process.

Aim to answer this key question:
Is the EA function off to the side, acting as order-takers? If so, how can the organization incorporate them into the decision-making process?

rule 7 embed EA into your execution process

For Your Enterprise Architecture Efforts to Succeed, You Must Demonstrate Value and Embrace Collaboration

To redefine Enterprise Architecture, you must invite stakeholders from across the organization to participate in – and benefit from – your efforts. Educate stakeholders about what they should expect and how they can better utilize data for strategic decision making.