
Introducing: SCENARIOS

Data-Driven Decision Making in Future State Modeling

This is a Game-Changer

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Agility and Planning in the Age of Disruption

Enterprise Architecture teams are tasked with nothing less than predicting the future, deciding how the organization should respond with technology and process change, but also knowing how to model it at all.

From world disruptors such as climate change, market fluctuations, and global pandemics, to low-level constant shifts in business models, customer demographics, and employee expectations, this in-depth guide will show you how Enterprise Architects can help businesses plan for the future like never before using Scenarios in Ardoq.


Why is architecture crucial in the age of disruption?

Learn how to deal with the sheer uncertainty of the external environment and its effect on the organization.

Is it possible to achieve agility at every level?

Learn how to work within your organizational change framework and deliver results.

What are the limitations of not modeling and planning for many futures?

Learn how to articulate not just one future, but many, each of which can be optimized for a different outcome.

What Ardoq's Customers Say

Audrey Honeycutt, Enterprise Architect at Nebraska Medicine
“The ability to pull in all these data sources, and have them automatically update dynamic visualizations, was what made me fall in love with Ardoq.”
Audrey Honeycutt
Enterprise Architect
Joon Nebell, Digital and IT Director at Reitan Convenience
“Work that would previously take four hours took ten seconds. The user experience was like going from cassette player to Spotify.”
Joon Nebell
Digital and IT Director